During the initial phase of the REFUGE-ED project [Effective Practices in Education, Mental Health and Psychosocial Support for the Integration of Refugee Children], the project partners identified good practices and approaches in Mental Health and Psychosocial Support (MHPSS) and Successful Educational Actions (SEAs) that contribute to the dynamic integration of children with migrant and/or refugee backgrounds in schools and other (non-formal and informal) learning environments, as well as to their mental health and psychosocial support needs. An extensive document has been developed (D1.1) providing analytical information on the selected practices, including their impact and ways to be implemented.
Based on the needs assessment conducted in the partner countries and the prioritised successful educational practices to be implemented at the pilot sites while further identifying and assessing context specific MHPSS needs, aiding the co-creation process of integrating MHPSS approaches in the SEAs in the pilot sites, the consortium developed a more condensed document. This document complements D1.1 and provides additional resources and learning materials to support education professionals and relevant stakeholders working with the target group. To support implementation, this document will be distributed to each of the pilot sites and consortium partners of the REFUGE-ED project.