During Work Package 3 ‘Implementing pilot actions in three distinctive settings’, partners implemented the trainings and piloting of the co-created practices in schools, Hotspots/Reception and Identification Centres and institution care facilities. The trainings followed the establishment of cooperation bridges between the partners and the pilot sites, in order to co-decide and co-create the Successful Education Actions (SEAs) and the Mental Health and Psychosocial Support (MHPSS) practices to be implemented in each site, based on the needs identified during the research phase. Although the curriculum drafted under D3.1 was the basis of their work, the procedure followed by each partner might have mild differences, due to the individualised approach.
D3.2 aims to summarise the progress made until M21 of the project implementation, i.e., September 2022. Three reports will be developed -one per pilot site category (schools, Hotspots/Reception and Identification Centres and institution care facilities)- gathering information regarding the implementation and evaluation of the process followed and the interventions in general. The three transnational activity reports will be developed by KMOP, with the contributions of all partners involved.