The present report (subdivided into three ones) is framed under Work Package 3, ‘Implementing pilot actions in three distinctive settings’, and comprehensively presents implementing partners’ trainings, implementation and evaluation results. It follows up on the interim report (D3.2) (which covered all the activities conducted until October 2022), primarily focusing on the needs analysis conducted, as well as on the process of co-creation and continuous training of the practices (Successful Educational Actions -SEAs- and Mental Health and Psychosocial Support -MHPSS-).
It is aimed at presenting the pilots’ implementation progress, considering each centre’s specificities, and at providing a more holistic picture of the impact of the SEAs and MHPSS practices in the centres. The findings presented in Chapter 8 derive from quantitative and qualitative evaluation (WP3, WP4). Quantitative and qualitative evaluation was implemented in at least two strategic time points of the project (beginning and end of implementation). The former was realised through distributing questionnaires; the latter was organised via interviews, focus groups, wrap-up meetings and/or open assemblies. The final part of the report summarises the impact analysis of effective practices in education and mental health on the integration of migrants and refugees, previously identified through a co-creation process with end-users.
Three reports were developed in the context of D3.3 -one per pilot site category (Schools, Hotspots/Reception and Identification Centres and Institution Care Facilities)- gathering information regarding the implementation and evaluation of the process followed and the interventions in general.